Quotes of Yelled - somelinesforyou

“ After my screen test, the director clapped his hands gleefully and yelled, "She can't talk! She can't act! She's sensational!". ”

- Ava Gardner

“ In junior high a boy poured water down my shirt and yelled, Now maybe they'll grow. ”

- Pamela Anderson

“ I talked to the ball a lot of times in my career. I yelled, Go foul. Go foul. ”

- Lefty Gomez

“ Television is a new medium. It's called a medium because nothing is well-done. ”

- Fred Allen

“ If there ever was an aviary overstocked with jays it is that Yaptown-on-the-Hudson, called New York. ”

- O. Henry

“ Called me wessel, Sammy — a wessel of wrath. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? ”

- Albert Einstein

“ If Woody Allen called me, I'd be there straight away. Who wouldn't? Truly. ”

- Julie Delpy

“ Unfortunately, the Republicans called a vote on Medicare. ”

- Dennis Kucinich

“ To be called a coward, I don't think that's fair. ”

- Rodney Alexander
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