Quotes of Yearn - somelinesforyou

“ Man wants but little, nor that little long; How soon must he resign his very dust, Which frugal nature lent him for an hour! ”

- Edward Young

“ We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified. ”

- Aesop

“ Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long. ”

- Oliver Goldsmith

“ My wish isn't to mean everything to everyone but something to someone. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Man wants but little here below Nor wants that little long," 'Tis not with me exactly so; But 'tis so in the song. My wants are many, and, if told, Would muster many a score; And were each wish a mint of gold, I still should long for more. ”

- John Quincy Adams

“ The best antidote I have found is to yearn for something. As long as you yearn, you can't congeal: there is a forward motion to yearning. ”

- Gail Godwin

“ The Father and His Two Daughters A man had two daughters, the one married to a gardener, and the other to a tile-maker. After a time he went to the daughter who had married the gardener, and inquired how she was and how all things went with her. She said, All things are prospering with me, and I have only one wish, that there may be a heavy fall of rain, in order that the plants may be well watered… ”

- Aesop

“ Abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. ”

- Bible

“ Things don't change, but by and by our wishes change. ”

- Marcel Proust

“ So long as lust, whether of the world or flesh, smells sweet in our nostrils, so long we are loathsome to God. ”

- Charles Caleb Colton

“ If a man could have half of his wishes, he would double his troubles. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ DATO'S LAW. Wishes expand in direct proportion to the resources available for their gratification. ”

- Robert Dato

“ A man, when he wishes, is the master of his fate. ”

- Jose Ferrer

“ Best wishes to you for a Holi filled with sweet moments and memories to cherish for long. ”

- Unknown

“ You'll never get ahead of anyone as long as you try to get even with him. ”

- Lou Holtz

“ If a man could half his wishes he would double his Troubles. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ We fail to see that we can control our own destiny; make ourselves do whatever is possible; make ourselves become whatever we long to be. ”

- Orison S. Marden

“ My only wish is that my wishes be at rest. ”

- Unknown

“ If wishes were horses then beggars would ride. ”

- Unknown

“ If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. ”

- Unknown

“ If wishes were fishes, we'd all be throwing nets. If wishes were horses, we'd all ride. ”

- Doug Horton

“ Lusts are like agues; the fit is not always on, and yet the man is not rid of his disease; and some men's lusts, like some agues, have not such quick returns as others. ”

- Herbert Spencer

“ Lust is what it is; it never lies. ”

- Laurell K. Hamilton

“ Make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. ”

- Bible

“ A man of the world must seem to be what he wishes to be thought. ”

- Jean de la Bruyere

“ If fortune wishes to make a man respectable, she gives him virtues; if she wishes to make him respected, she gives him success. ”

- Joseph Joubert

“ As you cannot do what you wish, you should wish what you can do. ”

- Terence

“ Man wants but little here below nor wants that little long. ”

- Oliver Goldsmith

“ May you get all your wishes but one, So you always have something to strive for. ”

- Unknown

“ Love wishes to perpetuate itself. Love wishes for immortality. ”

- Mortimer Adler
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