Quotes of Worldly - somelinesforyou

“ It was written by a lunatic,... It's a quirky movie that you won't see on an airplane. ”

- Bruce Campbell

“ You talk too sophisticated for me. I don't understand. ”

- Seve Ballesteros

“ The church is only a secular institution in which the half-educated speak to the half-converted. ”

- William Ralph Inge

“ I remember once when I told Lindsay Anderson at a party that acting was just a sophisticated way of playing cowboys and Indians he almost had a fit. ”

- John Hurt

“ Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and the temporal. ”

- Mary Baker Eddy

“ Worldly faces never look so worldly as at a funeral. They have the same effect of grating incongruity as the sound of a coarse voice breaking the solemn silence of night. ”

- George Eliot

“ As there is no worldly gain without some loss, so there is no worldly loss without some gain… Set the allowance against the loss, and thou shalt find no loss great. ”

- Francis Quarles

“ Well I travelled quite a lot in the east, and one of the things that impressed me greatly was the buddhist notion of the continuity of things, the wheel of life which is what we're talking about, the ever turning wheel. ”

- Morris West

“ While we look not a that things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. ”

- Bible

“ Before undergoing a surgical operation, arrange your temporal affairs. You may live. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ We keep, in science, getting a more and more sophisticated view of our essential ignorance. ”

- Warren Weaver

“ While we look not a that things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. ”

- The Holy Bible

“ Born of the sun they travelled a short while towards the sun And left the vivid air signed with their honour. ”

- Stephen Spender

“ The automobile is technologically more sophisticated than the bundling board, but the human motives in their uses are sometimes the same. ”

- Charles Allen

“ Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ”

- Robert Frost

“ The most sophisticated people I know - inside they are all children. ”

- Jim Henson

“ I have travelled a good deal in Concord. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns Ashes — or it prospers; and anon; Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty face Lighting a little Hour or two — is gone. ”

- Omar Khayyam

“ A bred-in-the-bone Boston lady, when asked why she never travelled, said 'Why should I? I'm already there.'. ”

- Unknown

“ William Congreve is the only sophisticated playwright England has produced; and like Shaw, Sheridan, and Wilde, his nearest rivals, he was brought up in Ireland. ”

- Kenneth Tynan

“ Now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen travelled as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only. ”

- Bible

“ Together we have travelled a long road to be where we are today. This has been a road of struggle against colonial and apartheid oppression. ”

- Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki

“ The more sophisticated we get, the more advanced our buildings and vehicles become, the more vulnerable we are. ”

- Stephen Ambrose

“ There is a great need for pluralistic programs that reach out to secular students, which provides secular students with opportunities to discover Judaism for themselves. ”

- Jonathan Davis

“ You know French means like sophisticated, well educated, so far. ”

- Sophie Marceau

“ Art cannot result from sophisticated, frivolous, or superficial effects. ”

- Hans Hofmann

“ Being and time determine each other reciprocally, but in such a manner that neither can the former - Being - be addressed as something temporal nor can the latter - time - be addressed as a being. ”

- Martin Heidegger

“ Nobody is quite so blase and sophisticated as a boy of nineteen who is just recovering from a baby grand passion. ”

- Helen Rowland

“ They are a dangerous country,... They're much more sophisticated than Iraq. ”

- Jay Rockefeller

“ Only those who know the supremacy of the intellectual life can understand the grief of one who falls from that serene activity into the absorbing soul-wasting struggle with worldly annoyances. ”

- George Eliot
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