Quotes of Windsor - somelinesforyou

“ You can't make the Duchess of Windsor into Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. The facts of life are very stubborn things. ”

- Cleveland Amory

“ Edward VIII replaced his fly buttons with a zip, a revolutionary move; and his Fair Isle pullovers, shorts and Windsor knots were considered by some to foreshadow the end of Empire. ”

- Angus McGill

“ The Duchess of Windsor never tried to hide her American upbringing or her love of fashion, even though the English prefer a royal family dressed in gum boots and head scarves. ”

- Diana Mosley

“ In a party tent poised somewhere between romance and avarice, an auctioneer hammered out the sale of the first of the costly baubles that were scattered as love tokens across the lives of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. ”

- Francis X. Clines
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