Quotes of Wilson - somelinesforyou

“ They say President Wilson has blundered. Perhaps he has, but I notice he usually blunders forward. ”

- Thomas A. Edison

“ The fact is that Harold Wilson is a person no one can like, a person without friends. ”

- Roy Jenkins

“ Wilson adventured for the whole of the human race. Not as a servant, but as a champion. So pure was this motive, so unfrocked with anything that his worst enemies could find, except the mildest and most excusable, a personal vanity, practically the minimum to be human, that in a sense his adventure is that of humanity itself… ”

- William Bolitho

“ Woodrow Wilson called for leaders who, by boldly interpreting the nation's conscience, could lift a people out of their everyday selves. That people can be lifted into their better selves is the secret of transforming leadership. ”

- James MacGregor Burns

“ For the immeasurable contribution of Ronald Wilson Reagan to the office of the Presidency, and to our great nation we all owe a debt of gratitude. Thank you, Mr. President. On behalf of all the men and women who served our nation under your Presidency, and those inspired by you who serve today… ”

- John Kline
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