Quotes of Widen - somelinesforyou

“ We want to extend our adolescence as long as we can. ”

- Amy Poehler

“ The family is changing, not disappearing. We have to broaden our understanding of it, look for the new metaphors. ”

- Mary Bateson

“ The family is changing not disappearing. We have to broaden our understanding of it, look for the new metaphors. ”

- Mary Catherine Bateson

“ Love... It surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be. ”

- Khalil Gibran

“ I like to extend myself as an actress and David really helped me. ”

- Isabella Rossellini

“ I think it's fair to say we have a rather major disagreement on this point. ”

- Christopher Hill

“ Men will not believe because they will not broaden their minds. ”

- Lord Chesterfield

“ As experience widens, one begins to see how much upon a level all human things are. ”

- Joseph Farrell

“ When once estrangement has arisen between those who truly love each other, everything seems to widen the breach. ”

- Mary Elizabeth Braddon

“ The religious community is essential, for alone our vision is too narrow to see all that must be seen. Together, our vision widens and strength is renewed. ”

- Mark Morrison Reed

“ One of the chief objects of education should be to widen the windows through which we view the world. ”

- Arnold Glasgow

“ Community partnerships, non-financial investments, and profitable social responsibility can offer companies of all sizes new ways to widen their community relationships. And community involvement is definitely good business. ”

- C. William Verity Jr.

“ The higher you go, the wider spreads the network of communication that will make or break you. It extends not only to more people below, but to new levels above. And it extends all around, to endless other departments and interests interacting with yours. ”

- Donald Walton

“ Education is not to reform students or amuse them or to make them expert technicians. It is to unsettle their minds, widen their horizons, inflame their intellects, teach them to think straight, if possible. ”

- Robert M. Hutchins

“ It is often the case with finer natures, that when the fire of the spirit dies out with increasing age, the power of the intellect is unaltered or increased. An originally educated judgment grows broader and gentler as the river of life widens out to the everlasting sea. ”

- Margaret Gatty
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