Quotes of Wheelchair - somelinesforyou

“ Money cannot buy health, but I'd settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair. ”

- Dorothy Parker

“ When I was walking around I was 6 foot 3, and people didn't tend to approach me very much, and one of the interesting things about being in a wheelchair is it sort of cuts you down to size and perhaps out of sympathy or whatever people feel much more like coming up to you… ”

- Chuck Close

“ I did not want to meet my queen in a wheelchair. I was on two canes, and I managed to follow the protocol, two steps back, curtsy, two steps forward, curtsy again. The queen pinned the medal on and was concerned about how I was recovering. It was a wonderful honor I will never forget. ”

- Anna Lee

“ They see me wheeling around in a beautiful gown, and they realize you can look elegant, and you can lead a happy life in a wheelchair. I know I've helped handicapped people, because I've received many comments. ”

- Anna Lee

“ My father said you can't make a living in birds… my relatives all went into business: bankers, stockbrokers. However, they eventually lost it all and died in wheelchairs. Sometimes you have to be a little aberrant. ”

- Roger Tory Peterson
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