Quotes of Waterfall - somelinesforyou

“ A strong man and a waterfall always channel their own path. ”

- Unknown

“ Miss Farrell has a voice like some unparalleled phenomenon of nature. She is to singers what Niagara is to waterfalls. ”

- Alfred Frankenstein

“ I don't want to die in a car accident. When I die it'll be a glorious day. It'll probably be a waterfall. ”

- River Phoenix

“ How does a blind parachutist know when to open his chute? When the lead on his guide dog goes slack. ”

- Unknown

“ I was disappointed in Niagara — most people must be disappointed in Niagara. Every American bride is taken there, and the sight of the stupendous waterfall must be one of the earliest, if not the keenest, disappointments in American married life. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ A strong man and a waterfall always channel their own path. ”

- Unknown

“ Miss Farrell has a voice like some unparalleled phenomenon of nature. She is to singers what Niagara is to waterfalls. ”

- Alfred Frankenstein

“ I don't want to die in a car accident. When I die it'll be a glorious day. It'll probably be a waterfall. ”

- River Phoenix

“ How does a blind parachutist know when to open his chute? When the lead on his guide dog goes slack. ”

- Unknown

“ I was disappointed in Niagara — most people must be disappointed in Niagara. Every American bride is taken there, and the sight of the stupendous waterfall must be one of the earliest, if not the keenest, disappointments in American married life. ”

- Oscar Wilde
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