Quotes of Waging - somelinesforyou

“ Ennui and lethargy are waging a war inside me. ”

- Aaron Allston

“ A coalition of groups is waging a massive propaganda campaign against the president of the United States. an all-out attack. Their aim is total victory for themselves and total defeat for him. ”

- Gerald R. Ford

“ Let the key guns be mounted, make a brave show of waging war, and pry off the lid of Pandora's Box once more. ”

- Amy Lowell

“ A 'just war' is hospitable to every self-deception on the part of those waging it, none more than the certainty of virtue, under whose shelter every abomination can be committed with a clear conscience. ”

- Alexander Cockburn

“ A just war is hospitable to every self-deception on the part of those waging it, none more than the certainty of virtue, under whose shelter every abomination can be committed with a clear conscience. ”

- Alexander Cockburn
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