Quotes of Volition - somelinesforyou

“ Neither "property" nor the value of property is a physical thing. Property is a set of defined options...It is that set of options which has economic value...It is the options, and not the physical things, which are the "property" - economically as well as legally… ”

- Thomas Sowell

“ A person with half volition goes backwards and forwards, but makes no progress on even the smoothest of roads. ”

- Thomas Carlyle

“ My case is a species of madness, only that it is a derangement of the Volition, and not of the intellectual faculties. ”

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“ There's too much tendency to attribute to God the evils that man does of his own free will. ”

- Agatha Christie

“ Failure is not an option. ”

- Apollo 13

“ Failure is always an option. ”

- Adam Savage

“ Failure is not an option. Everyone has to succeed. ”

- Arnold Schwarzenegger

“ This soil is bad for certain kinds of flowers. Certain seeds it will not nurture, certain fruits it will not bear. And when the land kills of its own volition, we acquiesce and say that the victim had no right to live. We're wrong, of course… but among the sunflowers and the garbage of my town, it's much, much, much too late. ”

- Toni Morrisson

“ I firmly believe that all human beings have access to extraordinary energies and powers. Judging from accounts of mystical experience, heightened creativity, or exceptional performance by athletes and artists, we harbor a greater life than we know. There we go beyond those limited and limiting patterns of body, emotions, volition, and understanding that have been keeping us in dry-dock… ”

- Jean Houston

“ The ruin of the human heart is self-interest, which the American merchant calls self-service. We have become a self-service populace, and all our specious comforts — the automatic elevator, the escalator, the cafeteria — are depriving us of volition and moral and physical energy. ”

- Edward Dahlberg
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