Quotes of Victorium - somelinesforyou

“ It would be inaccurate to say that Churchill and I conversed. Like Gladstone speaking to Victoria, he addressed me as though I were a one-man House of Commons. It was superb. ”

- William Manchester

“ Although a madman, Norton wrote letters to Abraham Lincoln and Queen Victoria which they took seriously. ”

- Kerry Thornley

“ Once I was in Victoria, and I saw a very large house. They told me it was a bank and that the white men place their money there to be taken care of, and that by and by they got it back with interest. "We are Indians and we have no such bank; but when we have plenty of money or blankets, we give them away to other chiefs and people, and by and by they return them with interest, and our hearts feel good… ”

- Chief Maquinna

“ Sometimes being with Victoria was like tiptoeing through a mine field. Put one foot wrong and everything is going to be blown sky-high. It was exciting, but often frightening. She had a terrible temper at times. ”

- Andy Gibb

“ Victoria didn't tell a soul about our love affair, nor did I. We spent time at each other's homes, sneaking in and out like criminals, although we were so profoundly happy it was ridiculous. Then I felt outraged; I wanted the world to know that I was in love with Victoria, that she felt the same way about me. ”

- Andy Gibb
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