Quotes of Vibrate - somelinesforyou

“ You know, Neil Young is singing Rock n' roll will never die, and Neil never rocked and rolled in his life. I mean, he rocked, but he didn't roll. He has got no swing in him. ”

- Joni Mitchell

“ The carnal contact side by side, from heel to armpit, brings shudders that shake up nature like the flights of nocturnal birds. ”

- Louis Aragon

“ I sweat real sweat and I shake real shakes. ”

- Elizabeth Taylor

“ The grave, dread thing! Men shiver when thou'rt named: Nature appalled, Shakes off her wonted firmness. ”

- Robert Blair

“ When great trees fall,rocks on distant hills shudder,lions hunker downin tall grasses,and even elephantslumber after safety. ”

- Maya Angelou

“ The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. ”

- John Muir

“ Life is about rhythm. We vibrate, our hearts are pumping blood, we are a rhythm machine, that's what we are. ”

- Mickey Hart

“ The facts of the present won't sit still for a portrait. They are constantly vibrating, full of clutter and confusion. ”

- Macneile Dixon

“ Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ There are strings in the human heart that had better not be vibrated. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ There are no days in life so memorable as those which vibrate to some stroke of the imagination. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Is it a fact — or have I dreamt it — that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time? ”

- Nathaniel Hawthorne

“ Everything is in motion. Everything flows. Everything is vibrating. ”

- Wayne Dyer

“ Enthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string. ”

- Pele

“ Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. ”

- Fanny Crosby

“ Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity. ”

- Edwin Hubbel Chapin

“ Music, when soft voices die, Vibrates in the memory; Odors, when sweet violets sicken, Live within the sense they quicken. ”

- Percy Bysshe Shelley

“ She used to drag her mattress besider her low window and lie awake for a long while, vibrating with excitement, as a machine vibrates from speed. Life rushed in upon her through that window - or so it seemed. In reality, of course, life rushes from within, not from without… ”

- Willa Cather

“ The real questions are the ones that obtrude upon your consciousness whether you like it or not, the ones that make your mind start vibrating like a jackhammer, the ones that you "come to terms with" only to discover that they are still there… ”

- Ingrid Bengis

“ My top students all swing differently,... Adam Scott swings like Tiger Woods, and everybody thought I created a swing for Adam that is like Tiger's. That's not the case. When Adam came to me at age 19, that's how he swung. We've just refined it since. ”

- Butch Harmon
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