Quotes of Verbally - somelinesforyou

“ If you are bitten by a snake, what's the best thing to do? Remain calm, separate the poison from the rest of your body, suck the poison out. Worst thing to do: get upset, chase and kill snake. Same when someone strikes out at you verbally. Remain calm, don't try to strike back at the other person… ”

- Unknown

“ When Mozart was composing at the end of the eighteenth century, the city of Vienna was so quiet that fire alarms could be given verbally, by a shouting watchman mounted on top of St. Stefan's Cathedral. In twentieth-century society, the noise level is such that it keeps knocking our bodies out of tune and out of their natural rhythms… ”

- Steven Halpern

“ When people express themselves verbally, they want feedback that they've been heard, and they also want to be understood. This is true even when they don't understand themselves, as is the case when an upset person tries to describe their feelings and thoughts… ”

- Dr. Rick Brinkman and Dr. Rick Kirschner
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