Quotes of Vat - somelinesforyou

“ There's been a lot of fight back from the students on this one. But we don't chase the kegs If we see five kegs go to one house though, we're going to watch it. ”

- Bill Evans

“ Writing an informative yet compact thriller is a lot like making maple sugar candy. You have to tap hundreds of trees - boil vats and vats of raw sap - evaporate the water - and keep boiling until you've distilled a tiny nugget that encapsulates the essence. ”

- Dan Brown

“ Lucille didn't care about messing herself up. A lot of stars of her stature wouldn't do physical comedy because they were afraid they'd get their hair messed up or they'd look bad. I remember once she fell into a vat of green dye. She came out with not only her hair green but everything was green! ”

- Gale Gordon

“ There's been a lot of hand wringing going on because of what the cost outlook is for game development for the next set of platforms,... I think there's a growing feeling that in order to build and launch a game you're going to have to start at the $20 million mark - $10 million to build the game and $10 to launch it with a big splash… ”

- John Taylor
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