Quotes of Unseasonable - somelinesforyou

“ Preserve me from unseasonable and immoderate sleep. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ I earnestly wish them all imaginable success; in the first place that they may not, by the unseasonable obscurity of a cloudy sky, be deprived of this most desirable sight; and then, that having ascertained with more exactness the magnitudes of the planetary orbits, it may redound to their eternal fame and glory. ”

- Edmond Halley

“ The unseasonable man is the sort of person who comes up to you when you are head over ears in work and confides to you all about it. He serenades his mistress when she is ill with fever. He approaches a man who has been cast in a surety case and asks him to stand surety for him… ”

- Theophrastus
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