Quotes of Uneven - somelinesforyou

“ The universe is asymmetric and I am persuaded that life, as it is known to us, is a direct result of the asymmetry of the universe or of its indirect consequences. The universe is asymmetric. ”

- Louis Pasteur

“ Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. ”

- Earl Warren

“ Nothing destroys authority so much as the unequal and untimely interchange of power, pressed too far and relaxed too much. ”

- Francis Bacon

“ Speech is the twin of my vision, it is unequal to measure itself, it provokes me forever, it says sarcastically, Walt you contain enough, why don't you let it out then? ”

- Walt Whitman

“ What is a Communist? One who has yearnings for equal division of unequal earnings. ”

- Ebenezer Elliot

“ Envy lies between two beings equal in nature though unequal in circumstances. ”

- Jeremy Collier

“ Until quite recently dance in America was the ragged Cinderella of the arts. ”

- Shana Alexander

“ It is wrong to use equal language for unequal actions. ”

- Peter Akinola

“ Man may act according to that principle or inclination which for the present happens to be strongest, and yet act in a way disproportionate to, and violate his real proper nature. ”

- Joseph Butler

“ It is unfair for our hospitals to bear a hugely disproportionate burden for mandated emergency health treatment for illegal aliens. ”

- Jon Kyl

“ Now men and women are separate and unequal. We should be hand in hand; in fact, we should have our arms around one another. ”

- Cloris Leachman

“ The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. ”

- Winston Churchill

“ But every acquisition that is disproportionate to the labor spent on it is dishonest. ”

- Leo Tolstoy

“ It was a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals. ”

- Felix Frankfurter

“ Nothing destroys authority more than the unequal and untimely interchange of power stretched too far and relaxed too much. ”

- Francis Bacon

“ It is a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals. ”

- Felix Frankfurter

“ It is a wise man that does know the contented man is never poor, whilst the discontented man is never rich. ”

- Frank Herbert

“ Nature has never read the Declaration of Independence. It continues to make us unequal. ”

- William J. Durant

“ Unequal combinations are always disadvantageous to the weaker side. ”

- Oliver Goldsmith

“ Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom. ”

- Alexis De Tocqueville

“ Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ What has destroyed every previous civilization has been the tendency to the unequal distribution of wealth and power. ”

- Henry George

“ Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents. ”

- Viscount Samuel

“ The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. ”

- Aristotle

“ I thought I had reached a point in life where everything would be smooth. But it is not. It just gets more jagged and pitted and filled with turns that take you into the dark recesses of your mind. It never seems to get easy. ”

- Sylvester Stallone
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