Quotes of Underground - somelinesforyou

“ To fly we have to have resistance. ”

- Maya Lin

“ And he judged Israel twenty and three years, and died, and was buried in Shamir. ”

- Bible

“ I love the fact that there is now a skate park in almost every city, but it will always have a rebellious/underground edge to it because it is based on individuality. ”

- Tony Hawk

“ I got caught up on drugs for a few years, I'm off it, I'm very happy, got two kids and a family and everything. And like I said I'm making the underground music, and keeping it real. ”

- Vanilla Ice

“ A man who thinks too much about his ancestors is like a potato-the best part of him is underground. ”

- Henry S. F. Cooper

“ For every prohibition you create you also create an underground. ”

- Jello Biafra

“ The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green. ”

- Thomas Carlyle

“ When your dreams tire, they go underground and out of kindness that's where they stay. ”

- Libby Houston

“ Underground issues from one relationship or context invariably fuel our fires in another. ”

- Harriet Lerner

“ The person who has nothing to brag about but their ancestors is like a potato; the best part of them is underground. ”

- Sir Thomas Overbore

“ Fear has many eyes and can see things underground. ”

- Miguel de Cervantes

“ Connections are made slowly, sometimes they grow underground. ”

- Marge Piercy

“ A degenerate nobleman is like a turnip. There is nothing good of him but that which is underground. ”

- English Saying

“ It is in our interests to let the police and their employers go on believing that the Underground is a conspiracy, because it increases their paranoia and their inability to deal with what is really happening. As long as they look for ringleaders and documents they will miss their mark, which is that proportion of every personality which belongs in the Underground. ”

- Germaine Greer

“ People don't understand it's really a hard thing, because I was here in the early '90s and… basically I was gone from over here. I've been doing my thing over in the States, but it's more underground than pop-ish, mainstream-ish, radio-friendly stuff, it's more underground… ”

- Vanilla Ice
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