Quotes of Undergraduate - somelinesforyou

“ I can find in my undergraduate classes, bright students who do not know that the stars rise and set at night, or even that the Sun is a star. ”

- Carl Sagan

“ It was the first time it had ever occurred to me, that this detestable cant of false humility might have originated out of the Heep family. I had seen the harvest, but had never thought of the seed. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ The men — the undergraduates of Yale and Princeton are cleaner, healthier, better-looking, better dressed, wealthier and more attractive than any undergraduate body in the country. ”

- Francis Scott Fitzgerald

“ I think college administrators should encourage students to urinate on walls and bushes, because then when students from another college come sniffing around, they'll know this is someone else's territory. ”

- Jack Handy

“ Concluding a short series on education: The devout student is the best of all students. There are too many who are devout, but not students. They will not accept the discipline of study and of learning, and they even look with suspicion upon the further knowledge which study brings to men… ”

- William Barclay

“ I think the world is run by 'C' students. ”

- Al McGuire

“ The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed. ”

- Marva Collins

“ The most conservative persons I ever met are college undergraduates. The radicals are the men past middle life. ”

- Woodrow T. Wilson

“ The Committee supports the idea that there should be, within the University of California, a campus which puts particular emphasis on the education of undergraduates within the framework of a College system. ”

- Abraham Robinson

“ We want to provide some of the food for students to celebrate Passover throughout the week. We want to lower the perceived barrier that there is for observance on campus and to make it very easy for students to celebrate. ”

- Unknown

“ Concluding a short series on prayer We Christians too often substitute prayer for playing the game. Prayer is good; but when used as a substitute for obedience, it is nothing but a blatant hypocrisy, a despicable Pharisaism... To your knees, man! and to your Bible! Decide at once! Don't hedge! Time flies! Cease your insults to God, quit consulting flesh and blood… ”

- C. T. Studd

“ I did not major in history of art as an undergraduate, and that was on purpose on the advice of a hero of mine, the former director of the Metropolitan Museum, Francis Henry Taylor, who was just one of the most charismatic people. And I went to see him and ask his advice about preparing for a museum career… ”

- J. Carter Brown

“ This place is the Devil, or at least his principal residence, they call it the University, but any other appellation would have suited it much better, for study is the last pursuit of the society; the Master eats, drinks, and sleeps, the Fellows drink, dispute and pun, the employments of the undergraduates you will probably conjecture without my description. ”

- Lord Byron

“ Many times I tell my American students my Iranian students understood how valuable is because they had been deprived of it. Sometimes in the West we need to be reminded of the fact that blood has been paid for what we have. ”

- Azar Nafisi

“ I'm so disturbed when my women students behave as though they can only read women, or black students behave as though they can only read blacks, or white students behave as though they can only identify with a white writer. ”

- Bell Hooks
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