Quotes of Uncle - somelinesforyou

“ My youngest uncle Randy and I were the first members of our entire family to ever go to college. ”

- James Earl Jones

“ You can tell your uncle stuff that you could not tell your dad. That is kind of the role of an uncle. I feel very much like a father sometimes but sometimes I feel like a teammate. ”

- Dusty Baker

“ When Uncle Bob but his own eyesight. ”

- Vincent Canby

“ And so do his sisters and his cousins and his aunts! His sisters and his cousins Whom he reckons up by dozens, And his aunts! ”

- W. S. Gilbert

“ There is health in table talk and nursery play. We must wear old shoes and have aunts and cousins. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ This is the biggest dysfunctional family I've ever seen. The turkey is burned up, the family is drunk, and several uncles are having a fistfight in the backyard. ”

- Gorden Allen

“ My sister's expecting a baby, and i don't know if i'm going to be an uncle or an aunt. ”

- Chuck Nevitt

“ He was prouder still to be a member of that even more restricted group, Uncle Sam Rayburn's Board of Education-the Bourbon and Branch Water College of Congressional Knowledge. ”

- Margaret Truman

“ Twenty-three and a quarter minutes past, Uncle Matthew was saying furiously, in precisely six and three-quarter minutes the damned fella will be late. ”

- Nancy Mitford

“ My uncle, who was a little more flamboyant, always said the guy who dressed the best was Fred Astaire. ”

- Andy Garcia

“ Uncle claims that if he files his income tax wrong, he'll go to jail, and if he files it right, he'll go to the poor house. ”

- Nonnee Coan

“ It doesn't work if the bad guys kill his mother's uncle's friend's neighbor's pet dog. You've got to make the stakes high. ”

- Steven Seagal

“ Inheritance taxes are so high that the happiest mourner at a rich man's funeral is usually Uncle Sam. ”

- Olin Miller

“ I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane. ”

- Ray Bradbury

“ I grew up in the Midlands area of England around the Birmingham area and when I was four years old, my uncle, who was living in the same house that I was living in, had as a hobby, playing the ukulele. At four years old, I was interested in this instrument already and he taught me a few chords on it… ”

- Dave Holland

“ I said good morning, and came on out. That afternoon when we came back, Gus here on Klondike flagged my uncle down and told him to come back there. He went back to see what he wanted and he was raising sand. Said his wife told him that I looked like I wanted to rape their daughter, somewhere in a room. ”

- Charles Phillips

“ Really, everybody sometimes will think about Christmas, Christmases past, like it was a Currier & Ives print, you know, the candle in the window, the snow on the sill, and isn't this wonderful? But the truth was Uncle Harry got drunk, the kids were fighting over the toys, there wasn't enough money, you overate. ”

- Phil McGraw

“ There's a great museum in Cody, Wyo., called the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. I went to their research library about 15 or 20 years ago and looked through their files and saw my mother, her sister and my uncle as descendents in the family tree. It was pretty cool. ”

- Viggo Mortensen

“ My father was a sea captain, so was his father, and his father before him, and all my uncles. My mother's people all followed the sea. I suppose that if I had been born a few years earlier, I would have had my own ship. ”

- Joseph C. Lincoln

“ When I was 7, I believed Howdy Doody was in a little world inside that glowing box. I was hypnotized and I wanted to go away, to be with him in there. When I was 8, I started doing party magic shows for kids - grown-ups had to leave. Then later, at college in Boston, I worked up my own kid's show, Uncle Andy's Fun House. ”

- Andy Kaufman
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