Quotes of Ukulele - somelinesforyou

“ Trying to be a first-rate reporter on the average American newspaper is like trying to play Bach's 'St. Matthew's Passion' on a ukulele. ”

- Bagdikian’s Observation

“ Trying to be a first-rate reporter on the average American newspaper is like trying to play Bach's St Matthew Passion on a ukulele: The instrument is too crude for the work, for the audience and for the performer. ”

- Ben Bagdikian

“ I grew up in the Midlands area of England around the Birmingham area and when I was four years old, my uncle, who was living in the same house that I was living in, had as a hobby, playing the ukulele. At four years old, I was interested in this instrument already and he taught me a few chords on it… ”

- Dave Holland
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