Quotes of Ubiquitous - somelinesforyou

“ The presence of a long-term, conscious goal has helped me maintain stability through the ubiquitous changes of over half a century. ”

- Mary Craig

“ Nature is too thin a screen; the glory of the omnipresent God bursts through everywhere. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Realism is a very sophisticated form of literature, a very grown-up one. And that may be its weakness. But fantasy seems to be eternal and omnipresent and always attractive to kids. ”

- Ursula K. Le Guin

“ I don't know what it is about fecundity that so appalls: I suppose it is the teeming evidence that birth and growth, which we value, are ubiquitous and blind; that life itself is so astonishingly cheap; that nature is as careless as it is bountiful; and that with extravagance goes a crushing waste that will one day include our own cheap lives. ”

- Annie Dillard

“ Insurrection: Insurrection as soon as circumstances allow: insurrection, strenuous, ubiquitous: the insurrection of the masses: the holy war of the oppressed: the republic to make republicans: the people in action to initiate progress. Let the insurrection announce with its awful voice the decrees of God: let it clear and level the ground on which its own immortal structure shall be raised… ”

- Giuseppe Mazzini
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