Quotes of Truffle - somelinesforyou

“ If I can't have too many truffles, I'll do without truffles. ”

- Colette

“ Truffles must come to the table in their own stock and as you break open this jewel sprung from a poverty-stricken soil, imagine-if you have never visited it-the desolate kingdom where it rules. ”

- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

“ I feel like a pig, sometimes, looking for truffles, maybe just kind of snouting around in the mud. ”

- John Glover

“ Give me a platter of choice finnan haddie, freshly cooked in its bath of water and milk, add melted butter, a slice or two of hot toast, a pot of steaming Darjeeling tea, and you may tell the butler to dispense with the caviar, truffles and nightingales' tongues. ”

- Craig Claiborne
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