Quotes of Trailer - somelinesforyou

“ I have a bag with a toothbrush and toothpaste and all the things I might need during the day. I call the bag my trailer. Sometimes you don't have a trailer, so that's my trailer. ”

- Laura Linney

“ The other day I had a running scene, and I had two hours until my next scene. Instead of going back to the trailer, I kept on running for an hour. ”

- Mia Maestro

“ You all look like happy campers to me. Happy campers you are, happy campers you have been, and, as far as I am concerned, happy campers you will always be. ”

- Dan Quayle

“ You've got to shout to make yourself heard in this business. It's unfortunate, but true-if you don't spell everything out in your contract, you've got only yourself to blame for the treatment you get. Otherwise, whether it's having a caravan-a dressing-room trailer-on the set each day, or whatever it is, you don't get it. ”

- John Hurt

“ Actors are not a great breed of people, I don't think. I count myself as something of an exception. I grew up in the theater, and my values were about the work, and not being a star or anything like that. I'm not spoiled in that way, and if I fight for something, it's about the work, not about how big my trailer is. ”

- Amy Irving
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