Quotes of Thwart - somelinesforyou

“ We all carry it within us: supreme strength, the fullness of wisdom, unquenchable joy. It is never thwarted, and cannot be destroyed. ”

- Huston Smith

“ Pleasure disappoints, possibility never. ”

- Soren Kierkegaard

“ Man appoints, and God disappoints. ”

- Cervantes

“ Man appoints, and God disappoints. ”

- Miguel de Cervantes

“ When life is victorious, there is birth; when it is thwarted, there is death. A warrior is always engaged in a life-and-death struggle for Peace. ”

- Morihei Ueshiba

“ If you strike at, imprison, or kill us, out of our prisons or graves we will still evoke a spirit that will thwart you, and perhaps, raise a force that will destroy you! We defy you! Do your worst! ”

- James Connolly

“ Every thought derives from a thwarted sensation. ”

- Emil Cioran

“ With children we must mix gentleness with firmness. They must not always have their own way, but they must not always be thwarted. ”

- Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“ It never pays to deal with the flyweights of the world. They take far too much pleasure in thwarting you at every turn. ”

- Sue Grafton

“ The need to exert power, when thwarted in the open fields of life, is the more likely to assert itself in trifles. ”

- Charles Horton Cooley

“ Take care; you know I am compliance itself, when I am not thwarted! No one more easily led, when I have my own way; but don't put me in a frenzy. ”

- Richard Brinsley Sheridan

“ It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness. ”

- Viktor Frankel

“ A concern with the perfectibility of mankind is always a symptom of thwarted or perverted development. ”

- Hugh Kingsmill

“ It is not easy for men to rise whose qualities are thwarted by poverty. ”

- Juvenal

“ Any change, any loss, does not make us victims. Others can shake you, surprise you, disappoint you, but they can't prevent you from acting, from taking the situation you're presented with and moving on. No matter where you are in life, no matter what your situation, you can always do something… ”

- Blaine Lee

“ As the twentieth century draws to a close, air power dominates warfare. Those who have air power overwhelm those who don't those who don't, have to spend their energies trying to get it, thwart it, or escape it. ”

- John A. Warden III

“ We do not have the luxury of two big oceans protecting us as we have had in the past, for we now have a new kind of enemy who deals with stealthiness. Our ability to protect ourselves is having the information ahead of time so we can thwart the attack. ”

- Bill Nelson

“ The Internet has exceeded our collective expectations as a revolutionary spring of information, news, and ideas. It is essential that we keep that spring flowing. We must not thwart the Internet's availability by taxing access to it. ”

- Chris Cannon

“ There are confessable agonies, sufferings of which one can positively be proud. Of bereavement, of parting, of the sense of sin and the fear of death the poets have eloquently spoken. They command the world's sympathy. But there are also discreditable anguishes, no less excruciating than the others, but of which the sufferer dare not, cannot speak… ”

- Aldous Huxley

“ The word "civilization" to my mind is coupled with death. When I use the word, I see civilization as a crippling, thwarting thing, a stultifying thing. For me it was always so. I don't believe in the golden ages, you see… civilization is the arteriosclerosis of culture. ”

- Henry Miller
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