Quotes of Tempo - somelinesforyou

“ American time has stretched around the world. It has become the dominant tempo of modern history, especially of the history of Europe. ”

- Harold Rosenberg

“ At Gatling-gun tempo word-perfect the first time out. the journalistic equivalent of a high-wire front somersault without a net. ”

- Shana Alexander

“ There are so many similarities between a startup venture and a political campaign - the rhythm, the tempo, the hours, the intensity. ”

- Mike McCurry

“ We are full of rhythms... our pulse, our gestures, our digestive tracts, the lunar and seasonal cycles. ”

- Yehudi Menuhin

“ A speech is poetry: cadence, rhythm, imagery, sweep! A speech reminds us that words, like children, have the power to make dance the dullest beanbag of a heart. ”

- Peggy Noonan
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