Quotes of Temperamental - somelinesforyou

“ Most football players are temperamental. That's 90 percent temper and 10 percent mental. ”

- Doug Plank

“ Some people, however long their experience or strong their intellect, are temperamentally incapable of reaching firm decisions. ”

- James Callaghan

“ The moment you say, 'Please, give me a reason for this', then you are being impossible and temperamental. ”

- Montserrat Caballe

“ If they're not temperamental, I don't want them. It's in the nature of a great artist to be that way. ”

- Sol Hurok

“ I think, myself, it is harder for two artists, both ambitious, both temperamental, both perhaps egotistical, to jog along equably in the necessarily restraining atmosphere of a double harness. ”

- Conrad Veidt
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