Quotes of Sympathize - somelinesforyou

“ My own experience and development deepen everyday my conviction that our moral progress may be measured by the degree in which we sympathize with individual suffering and individual joy. ”

- George Eliot

“ Women are among the most gracious phenomenons ever to walk the earth. I only sympathize for the many men who consider to be more manly is to be as much not like a woman. ”

- Stuart Nail

“ There is something terribly morbid in the modern sympathy with pain. One should sympathize with the color, the beauty, the joy of life. The less said about life's sores the better. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ There is nothing sweeter than to be sympathized with. ”

- George Santayana

“ Sympathizing and selfish people are alike, both given to tears. ”

- Leigh Hunt

“ Strengthen me by sympathizing with my strength, not my weakness. ”

- Amos Bronson Alcott

“ In time of great anxiety we can draw power from our friends. We should at such times, however, avoid friends who sympathize too deeply, who give us pity rather than strength. ”

- D. Lupton

“ I find by experience that the mind and the body are more than married, for they are most intimately united, and when one suffers, the other sympathizes. ”

- Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

“ I can sympathize with people's pains, but not with their pleasures. There is something curiously boring about somebody else's happiness. ”

- Aldous Huxley

“ I can sympathize with everything, except suffering. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ First we kill all the subversives; then, their collaborators; later, those who sympathize with them; afterward, those who remain indifferent; and finally, the undecided. ”

- General Iberico Saint Jean

“ A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad. ”

- Arnold H. Glasow

“ I find, by experience, that the mind and the body are more than married, for they are most intimately united; and when one suffers, the other sympathizes. ”

- Earl of Chesterfield

“ We communicate happiness to others not often by great acts of devotion and self-sacrifice, but by the absence of fault-finding and censure, by being ready to sympathize with their notions and feelings, instead of forcing them to sympathize with ours. ”

- Adam Clarke

“ The more I work with the body, keeping my assumptions in a temporary state of reservation, the more I appreciate and sympathize with a given disease. The body no longer appears as a sick or irrational demon, but as a process with its own inner logic and wisdom. ”

- George MacDonald
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