Quotes of Symbolism - somelinesforyou

“ There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum. ”

- Arthur C. Clarke

“ Any impatient student of mathematics or science or engineering who is irked by having algebraic symbolism thrust upon him should try to get along without it for a week. ”

- Eric Temple Bell

“ William Inge handles symbolism rather like an Olympic weight lifter, raising it with agonizing care, brandishing it with a tiny grunt of triumph, then dropping it with a terrible clang. ”

- Benedict Nightingale

“ There isn't any symbolism. The sea is the sea. The old man is an old man. The boy is a boy and the fish is a fish. The shark are all sharks, no better and no worse. All the symbolism that people say is shit. What goes beyond is what you see beyond when you know. ”

- Ernest Hemingway

“ The fifth and by far the most important reason is that stoning is literally a means of crushing the murderer's head by means of a rock, which is symbolic of God. This is analogous to the crushing of the head of the serpent in Genesis 3:15. This symbolism testifies to the final victory of God over all the hosts of Satan… ”

- Gary North
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