Quotes of Syllogism - somelinesforyou

“ One horse-laugh is worth ten thousand syllogisms. It is not only more effective; it is also vastly more intelligent. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ I believe that there never was a creator of a philosophical system who did not confess at the end of his life that he had wasted his time. It must be admitted that the inventors of the mechanical arts have been much more useful to men that the inventors of syllogisms… ”

- Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire

“ Lying is not only excusable; it is not only innocent; it is, above all, necessary and unavoidable. Without the ameliorations that it offers, life would become a mere syllogism and hence too metallic to be borne. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ The race of prophets is extinct. Europe is becoming set in its ways, slowly embalming itself beneath the wrappings of its borders, its factories, its law-courts and its universities. The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it… ”

- Antonin Artaud
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