Quotes of Sydney - somelinesforyou

“ It was only cool to have blond hair and be a surfer chick in Sydney. I could learn how to surf, but I still looked Italian. It took me a long time to realize that was a good thing. ”

- Natalie Imbruglia

“ I am thrilled to be an Olympian, and I think that although we will be underdogs we can beat many teams and will be a surprise in Sydney. ”

- Steve Nash

“ I grew up in Sydney in a very political household, where we were all for the underdog. ”

- John Pilger

“ My post-Sydney goals are to become a much better player and person. ”

- Jonny Wilkinson

“ We worked together in Perth on a TV show called Sweat. When I met Heath there was something extremely charismatic about him. Obviously he had talent, and I convinced him to move out of Perth and come to Sydney - the Hollywood of Australia, if you like… ”

- Martin Henderson
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