Quotes of Superhuman - somelinesforyou

“ For the skeptic there remains only one consolation: if there should be such a thing as superhuman law it is administered with subhuman inefficiency. ”

- Eric Ambler

“ To err is human; to admit it, superhuman. ”

- Doug Larson

“ When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. ”

- Napoleon Hill

“ You do not have to be superhuman to do what you believe in. ”

- Debbi Fields

“ The mask can be a limitation, but you just deal with it. You do get superhuman strength and pumpkin bombs and all this other stuff to express yourself with.'. ”

- Willem Dafoe

“ Utopianism is probably a necessary social device for generating the superhuman efforts without which no major revolution is achieved. ”

- E. J. Hobsbawm

“ I muse with the greatest affection on every flower I have known from my infancy - their shapes and colours are as new to me as if I had just created them with a superhuman fancy - It is because they are connected with the most thoughtless and happiest moments of our lives. ”

- John Keats

“ Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are. Successful people are not superhuman. Success does not require a super-intellect. Nor is there anything mystical about success. And success isn't based on luck. Successful people are just ordinary folks who have developed belief in themselves and what they do… ”

- David J. Schwartz

“ To endow the writer publicly with a good fleshly body, to reveal that he likes dry white wine and underdone steak, is to make even more miraculous for me, and of a more divine essence, the products of his art. Far from the details of his daily life bringing nearer to me the nature of his inspiration and making it clearer, it is the whole mystical singularity of his condition which the writer emphasizes by such confidences… ”

- Roland Barthes

“ Woman cannot be content with health and agility: she must make exorbitant efforts to appear something that never could exist without a diligent perversion of nature. Is it too much to ask that women be spared the daily struggle for superhuman beauty in order to offer it to the caresses of a subhumanly ugly mate? ”

- Germaine Greer
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