Quotes of Subtract - somelinesforyou

“ The years that a woman subtracts form her age are not lost. They are added to other women's. ”

- Diane De Poitiers

“ Everything you add to the truth subtracts from the truth. ”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“ They never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge. ”

- Thomas Brackett Reed

“ What is high finance? It's knowing the difference between one and ten, multiplying, subtracting and adding. You just add noughts. It's no more than that. ”

- John Bentley

“ When one subtracts from life infancy sleep, eating and swilling, buttoning and unbuttoning — how much remains of downright existence? The summer of a dormouse. ”

- Lord Byron

“ Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ The years that a woman subtracts from her age are not lost. They are added to the ages other women. ”

- Diane de Pointers

“ The best math lesson we can teach college students this year is to subtract a tuition increase and benefit from the dividends of higher education. ”

- Jodi Rell

“ Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere. ”

- Mary Schmich

“ Ludwig von Beethoven had never mastered the elements of arithmetic beyond addition and subtraction. A thirteen-year-old boy whom he had befriended tried unsuccessfully to teach him simple multiplication and division. ”

- Jan Ehrenwald
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