Quotes of Subjective - somelinesforyou

“ The psychical, whatever its nature may be, is itself unconscious. ”

- Sigmund Freud

“ At its best, entertainment is going to be a subjective thing that can't win for everyone, while at worst, a particular game just becomes a random symbol for petty tribal behavior. ”

- John Carmack

“ The subjective mind is entirely under the control of the objective mind. With the utmost fidelity it reproduces and works out to its final consequences whatever the objective mind impresses upon it. ”

- Thomas Troward

“ It is psychological law that whatever we desire to accomplish we must impress upon the subjective or subconscious mind. ”

- Orison S. Marden

“ I have come to the conclusion that my subjective account of my motivation is largely mythical on almost all occasions. I don't know why I do things. ”

- J. B. S. Haldane

“ There are no better terms available to describe the difference between the approach of the natural and the social sciences than to call the former "objective" and the latter "subjective." … While for the natural scientist the contrast between objective facts and subjective opinions is a simple one, the distinction cannot as readily be applied to the object of the social sciences… ”

- Friedrich Hayek

“ Become aware of internal, subjective subverbal experiences, so that these experiences can be brought into the world of abstraction, of conversation, of naming, etc., with the consequence that it immediately becomes possible for a certain amount of control to be exerted over these hither unconscious and uncontrollable processes. ”

- Abraham Harold Maslow

“ Since social relationships are always ambiguous, since my thought is only a unit, since my thoughts create rifts as much as they unite, since my words establish contacts by being spoken and create isolation by remaining unspoken, since an immense moat separates the subjective certitude that I have for myself from the objective reality that I represent to others, since I never stop finding myself guilty even though I feel I am innocent… We could say that the limits of language are the limits of the world that the limits of my language are the limits of my world… ”

- Ludwig Wittgenstein

“ Most contemporary novelists, especially the American and the French, are too subjective, mesmerized by private demons; they're enraptured by their navels and confined by a view that ends with their own toes. ”

- Truman Capote

“ I have a problem when people say something's real or not real, or normal or abnormal. The meaning of those words for me is very personal and subjective. I've always been confused and never had a clearcut understanding of the meaning of those kinds of words. ”

- Tim Burton

“ Does not the very word 'creative' mean to build, to initiate, to give out, to act rather than to be acted upon, to be subjective? Living photography is positive in its approach, it sings a song of life not death. ”

- Berenice Abbott

“ We should know what our convictions are, and stand for them. Upon one's own philosophy, conscious or unconscious, depends one's ultimate interpretation of facts. Therefore it is wise to be as clear as possible about one's subjective principles. As the man is, so will be his ultimate truth. ”

- Carl Jung

“ The subconscious part in us is called the subjective mind, because it does not decide and command. It is subject rather than a ruler. Its nature is to do what it is told, or what really in your heart of hearts you desire. ”

- William T. Walsh

“ In days gone by, we were afraid of dying in dishonor or a state of sin. Nowadays, we are afraid of dying fools. Now the fact is that there is no Extreme Unction to absolve us of foolishness. We endure it here on earth as subjective eternity. ”

- Jean Baudrillard

“ Happiness lies in being privileged to work hard for long hours in doing whatever you think is worth doing. One man may find happiness in supporting a wife and children. Another may find it in robbing banks. Still another may labor mightily for years in pursuing pure research with no discernible result… ”

- Robert Anson Heinlein
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