Quotes of Stuffed - somelinesforyou

“ Who with a body filled and vacant mind Gets him to rest, crammed with distressful bread. - King Henry V. Act iv. Sc. 1. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ What woman, however old, has not the bridal-favours and raiment stowed away, and packed in lavender, in the inmost cupboards of her heart. ”

- William Makepeace Thackeray

“ I get a lot of stuff from Germany - stuffed bugs and tarantulas. ”

- William Petersen

“ I'm death obsessed. You know, I have death all over my house. I have a stuffed two headed sheep! ”

- Kirk Hammett

“ Just then, with a wink and a sly normal lurch, The owl very gravely got down from his perch, Walked round, and regarded his fault-finding critic with a glance analytic. ”

- James Thomas Field

“ When the shriveled skin of the ordinary is stuffed out with meaning, it satisfies the senses amazingly. ”

- Virginia Woolf

“ People find ideas a bore because they do not distinguish between live ones and stuffed ones on a shelf. ”

- Ezra

“ An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head. ”

- Eric Hoffer

“ PORTUGUESE, n.pl. A species of geese indigenous to Portugal. They are mostly without feathers and imperfectly edible, even when stuffed with garlic. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ What usually happens in the educational process is that the faculties are dulled, overloaded, stuffed and paralyzed so that by the time most people are mature they have lost their innate capabilities. ”

- R. Buckminster Fuller

“ I do give a great deal of forethought and zone in on character and all sorts of things like that. Never before have I just stuffed something away in the back cupboard of my brain because it was just such a crazy concept. ”

- Greg Kinnear

“ I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any. I refuse to live in other people's houses as an interloper, a beggar or a slave. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ Though the most beautiful creature were waiting for me at the end of a journey or a walk; though the carpet were of silk, the curtains of the morning clouds; the chairs and sofa stuffed with cygnet's down; the food manna, the wine beyond claret, the window opening on Winander Mere, I should not feel — or rather my happiness would not be so fine, as my solitude is sublime. ”

- John Keats

“ The national distrust of the contemplative temperament arises less from an innate Philistinism than from a suspicion of anything that cannot be counted, stuffed, framed or mounted over the fireplace in the den. ”

- Lewis H. Lapham
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