Quotes of Stressful - somelinesforyou

“ Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods. ”

- Denis Waitley

“ I had always dreamed of winning Wimbledon and when it happened it was very stressful. It was more of a relief! ”

- Pat Cash

“ I believe that a family is very important. You must have someone to come to after work to forget the stressful day. With Roy I have someone like that. ”

- Liv Tyler

“ There's pressure all the time. It's stressful going to a premiere and having to look perfect, and everybody scrutinizes what you're wearing. It's scary. There's so much emphasis put on the physical. ”

- Liv Tyler

“ Life in the Fast Lane Playing in Traffic intense stressful challenging overwhelming fulfilling demanding exciting nerve-wrecking entrepreneurial unrelenting empowered exposed: no place to hide flexible confusing results compensation sweatshop team ascendancy ego suppression flat organizations who's my boss no titles no status customer focus self-abnegation decentralized decision making chaos the end of tenure the end of security no complacency fear ongoing change burnout. ”

- Unknown
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