Quotes of Stanley - somelinesforyou

“ 2001 was a small step for Stanley Kubrick, but it was a giant leap for special effects. ”

- John Culhane

“ For the camera and for posterity, Stanley Marcus and Estee Lauder greeted each other with an embrace a pair of elderly merchant monarchs who had tested each other's titanic shrewdness for decades formally exchanging a kiss of peace. ”

- Kennedy Fraser

“ Intellectually I'd love to play Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire Can't you just imagine me down in the streets yelling Stella! Stella! God, the critics would have a lot of fun with that one. ”

- Roddy McDowall

“ I have always been a huge fan of Ridley Scott and certainly when I was a kid. Alien, Blade Runner just blew me away because they created these extraordinary worlds that were just completely emersive. I was also an enormous Stanley Kubrick fan for similar reasons. ”

- Christopher Nolan

“ It was a fight of technique. Stanley is a more traditional picture-maker, and Cassavetes was, I guess, called Nouvelle Vague. He was trying some things, which frankly I disagreed with, and I thought he was hurting the picture by blunting the so-called message with technique. ”

- Gene Fowler Jr.
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