Quotes of Sovereign - somelinesforyou

“ And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off. ”

- Bible

“ True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings; Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ He wrapped himself in quotations — as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors. ”

- Rudyard Kipling

“ Kings will be tyrants from policy, when subjects are rebels from principle. ”

- Edmund Burke

“ We cannot all be masters. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Here will be an old abusing of God's patience and the king's English. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. ”

- Desiderius Erasmus

“ I shall be an autocrat: that's my trade. And the good Lord will forgive me: that's his. ”

- Thomas Carlyle

“ The best way of learning to be an independent sovereign state is to be an independent sovereign state. ”

- Kwame Nkrumah

“ And now am I, if a man should speak truly, little better than one of the wicked. - King Henry IV. Part I. Act i. Sc. 2. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ His nose was as sharp as a pen, and a' babbled of green fields. - King Henry V. Act ii. Sc. 3. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ He held it safer to be of the religion of the King or Queen that were in being, for he knew that he came raw into the world, and accounted it no point of wisdom to be broiled out of it. ”

- John Taylor

“ And then to breakfast with What appetite you have. - King Henry VIII. Act iii. Sc. 2. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Framed in the prodigality of nature. - King Richard III. Act i. Sc. 2. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The better part of valour is discretion. - King Henry IV. Part I. Act v. Sc. 4. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ A plague of all cowards, I say. - King Henry IV. Part I. Act ii. Sc. 4. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Why, our battalia trebles that account: Besides, the king's name is a tower of strength, Which they upon the adverse faction want. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ I thought upon one pair of English legs Did march three Frenchmen. - King Henry V. Act iii. Sc. 6. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ So may he rest, his faults lie gently on him! ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The king's name is a tower of strength. - King Richard III. Act v. Sc. 3. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The heart of kings is unsearchable. ”

- Bible

“ It is better to have your head in the clouds, and know where you are... than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them, and think that you are in paradise. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ In rage deaf as the sea, hasty as fire. - King Richard II. Act i. Sc. 1. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Let the end try the man. - King Henry IV. Part II. Act ii. Sc. 2. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ I would 't were bedtime, Hal, and all well. - King Henry IV. Part I. Act v. Sc. 1. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ As for a camel To thread the postern of a small needle's eye. - King Richard II. Act v. Sc. 5. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The house is a castle which the King cannot enter. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Off with his head! - King Richard III. Act iii. Sc. 4. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ As cold as any stone. - King Henry V. Act ii. Sc. 3. ”

- William Shakespeare
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