Quotes of Snack - somelinesforyou

“ Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper. ”

- Francis Bacon

“ Never work before breakfast. If you have to work before breakfast, get your breakfast first. ”

- Josh Billings

“ The midnight snack of a life in its 70s. ”

- Anatole Broyard

“ The Moon Pie is a bedrock of the country store and rural tradition. It is more than a snack. It is a cultural artifact. ”

- William Ferris

“ Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. ”

- Francis Bacon

“ Reality doesn't bite, rather our perception of reality bites. ”

- Anthony J. D’Angelo

“ Lunch kills half of Paris, supper the other half. ”

- Charles de Montesquieu

“ When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news. ”

- John B. Bogart

“ When you have something for breakfast, you're not going to be starving by lunch. ”

- Bruce Barton

“ This costs R275 per person, and besides the nonsense, you get tea, coffee and notes'. You're asked to bring a packed lunch'. Alka-Seltzer apparently not supplied. ”

- James Randi
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