Quotes of Skillful - somelinesforyou

“ The feeble tremble before opinion, the foolish defy it, the wise judge it, and the skillful direct it. ”

- Jeane Platiere

“ It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage. ”

- George William Curtis

“ That politician who curries favor with the citizens and indulges them and fawns upon them and has a presentiment of their wishes, and is skillful in gratifying them, he is esteemed a great statesman. ”

- Plato

“ We see in these swift and skillful travelers a symbol of our life, which seeks to be a pilgrimage and a passage on this earth for the way of heaven. ”

- Pope Paul VI

“ The speeding reader guts a book the way the skillful clean fish. The gills are gone, the tail, the scales, the fins; then the fillet slides away swifly as though fed to a seal. ”

- William H. Gass

“ No matter how skillful you are, you can't invent a product advantage that doesn't exist. And if you do, and it's just a gimmick, it's going to fall apart anyway. ”

- William Bernbach

“ There is nothing so skillful in its own defense as imperious pride. ”

- Helen Hunt Jackson

“ The real persuaders are our appetites, our fears and above all our vanity. The skillful propagandist stirs and coaches these internal persuaders. ”

- Eric Hoffer

“ The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests. ”

- Epictetus

“ Skillful listening is the best remedy for loneliness, loquaciousness, and laryngitis. ”

- William A. Ward

“ Learn of the skillful; he that teaches himself, has a fool for his master. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ For man, maximum excitement is the confrontation of death and the skillful defiance of it by watching others fed to it as he survives transfixed with rapture. ”

- Ernest Becker

“ A skillful leech is better far, than half a hundred men of war. ”

- Samuel Butler

“ Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. ”

- William A. Foster

“ The greater difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests. ”

- Epicurus

“ You can ensure the success of your attacks if you only attack places that are undefended. You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked. Therefore, that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack. ”

- Sun tzu

“ I have flown in just about everything, with all kinds of pilots in all parts of the world - British, French, Pakistani, Iranian, Japanese, Chinese - and there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between any of them except for one unchanging, certain fact: the best, most skillful pilot has the most experience. ”

- Chuck Yeager

“ Let not a man do what his sense of right bids him not to do, nor desire what it forbids him to desire. This is sufficient. The skillful artist will not alter his measures for the sake of a stupid workman. ”

- Mencius

“ There is in every child a painstaking teacher, so skillful that he obtains identical results in all children in all parts of the world. The only language men ever speak perfectly is the one they learn in babyhood, when no one can teach them anything! ”

- Maria Montessori

“ Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. ”

- Harry S.Truman
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