Quotes of Sinatra - somelinesforyou

“ I wish Frank Sinatra would just shut up and sing. ”

- Lauren Bacall

“ Intimate singing had a wonderful style in the '30s and '40s. It came out of Broadway and the jazz of Louis Armstrong and Billie Holliday. But Sinatra created the best romantic era that we've ever had. ”

- Tony Bennett

“ People ask me if I'd like to be a teenager today, I'd have to say, Not really. I'd never have gotten to meet Frank Sinatra. I wouldn't have ever known Quinn, Gregory Peck, David Niven or Lee Thompson or Carl Foreman or Shelley Winters or Burl Ives. I wouldn't have known those people. ”

- James Darren

“ No press conference announcing a last film. I'd just steal away. Best way because, if by chance after two or three years something interesting comes up, I would not - like Sinatra - have to say: Well, I've thought it over and decided to come back. ”

- Sophia Loren

“ My only real claim to fame is that I was an original. Before me there were the people like Russ Columbo, Perry Como, Crosby, Sinatra… they were more or less, stand-up singers. I revolutionised all of that. I imagine that I paved the way for what was to come, which was to be called rock and roll… and which was really no more than a bastardised version of rhythm and blues. ”

- Johnnie Ray
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