Quotes of Shareholder - somelinesforyou

“ We are now investing in each of our businesses to achieve substantial earnings growth in the future and create further value for millions of our shareholders. ”

- Mukesh Ambani

“ I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders. ”

- Michael Dell

“ Far too many executives have become more concerned with the "four P's" — pay, perks, power and prestige — rather than making profits for shareholders. ”

- T. Boone Pickens

“ My job is to listen to ideas, maybe cook up a few of my own, and make decisions based on what's good for the shareholders and for the company. ”

- Philip Knight

“ I think what you're going to see going forward is that public investors and also venture capitalists and the whole chain of investors are going to be much more discriminating in their investments. ”

- Jeff Bezos

“ It is with regret that I pronounce the fatal truth: Louis ought to perish rather than a hundred thousand virtuous citizens; Louis must die that the country may live. ”

- Maximilien Robespierre

“ We like to be the largest outside investor, and the first outside investor. ”

- John Simon

“ The City's reluctance to take a stand on an issue like the British Gas pay row makes a mockery of corporate governance and shareholders' ability to influence annual general meetings. Institutions should be obliged to make public how they vote at such events… ”

- Patrick Donovan

“ He or she must be successful in economic terms, but always within an ethical framework. Whether his or her constituency is a corporation and its shareholders or the customers in a small and privately held business, his or her first responsibility is to serve that constituency. ”

- Lee R. Raymond

“ We believe our share repurchase program, combined with our ongoing strategic investments in our business and maintaining a strong cash balance, is in the best interest of our shareholders,... Our board will continue to evaluate if and when and what amount of dividend will be paid. ”

- Terry Anderson
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