Quotes of Sexist - somelinesforyou

“ If folks can learn to be racist, then they can learn to be anti racist. If being sexist ain't genetic, then, dad gum, people can learn about gender equality. ”

- Johnnetta Betsch Cole

“ To be black and female, in a society which is both racist and sexist, is to be in a unique position of having nowhere to go but up. ”

- Rosemary Brown

“ I listen to the feminists and all these radical gals - most of them are failures. They've blown it. Some of them have married, but they've married some Casper Milquetoast who asked permission to go to the bathroom. These women just need a man in the house… ”

- Jerry Falwell

“ If you're not a white male, consider sales seriously. Most employers, regardless of how sexist or racist they may be, will pay for any sales they can get. And they care little for the color or gender of the person who brings that business to the firm… ”

- Ramona E.F. Arnett

“ Raising Black children — female and male — in the mouth of a racist, sexist, suicidal dragon is perilous and chancy. If they cannot love and resist at the same time, they will probably not survive. ”

- Anita Loos
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