Quotes of Servile - somelinesforyou

“ Sincerity may be humble, but she cannot be servile. ”

- Lord Byron

“ Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually most ambitious and envious. ”

- Baruch Benedict de Spinoza

“ Force works on servile natures, not the free. ”

- Ben Johnson

“ Before complaining that you are a slave to another, be sure that you are not a slave to self. Look within;...You will find there, perchance, slavish thoughts, slavish desires, and in your daily life and conduct slavish habits. Conquer these; cease to be a slave to self, and no man will have the power to enslave you. ”

- James Allen

“ Feast of Commemoration of Helena, Protector of the Faith, 330 The cross is laid on every Christian. It begins with the call to abandon the attachments of this world. It is that dying of the old man which is the result of his encounter with Christ. As we embark upon discipleship we surrender ourselves to Christ in union with His death — we give over our lives to death… ”

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“ Peace without Justice is a low estate, — A coward cringing to an iron Fate!But Peace through Justice is the great ideal, — We'll pay the price of war to make it real. ”

- Henry Van Dyke

“ Capitalism knows only one color: that color is green; all else is necessarily subservient to it, hence, race, gender and ethnicity cannot be considered within it. ”

- Thomas Sowell

“ Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually the most ambitious and envious. ”

- Baruch Spinoza

“ There is nothing sadder in this world than the waste of human potential. The purpose of evolution is to raise us out of the mud, not have us grovelling in it. ”

- Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider

“ Literature is subservient to nothing but truth. ”

- Gao Xingjian

“ True humility is not an abject, groveling, self-despising spirit — it is but a right estimate of ourselves as God sees us. ”

- Tryon Edwards

“ If men make war in slavish obedience to rules, they will fail. ”

- Ulysses S. Grant

“ Do not call any work menial until you have watched a proud person do it. ”

- Robert Brault

“ Imitators are a slavish herd and fools in my opinion. ”

- Jean de La Fontaine

“ Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth. ”

- George Washington

“ For my own part, I had rather suffer any inconvenience from having to work occasionally in chambers and kitchen... than witness the subservience in which the menial class is held in Europe. ”

- Harriet Martineau

“ The mass of mankind are evidently slavish in their tastes, preferring a life suitable to beasts. ”

- Aristotle

“ I come from a generation where the dreams and aspirations of a whole lot of young men were sacrificed at the altar of getting some kind of menial job. ”

- Bill Dixon

“ There are slavish souls who carry their appreciation for favors done them so far that they strangle themselves with the rope of gratitude. ”

- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

“ O imitators, you slavish herd! ”

- Horace

“ The destruction menial labor has done on my psyche is beyond repair. ”

- Greg Evans

“ We are conscious of the abject poverty that so many countries and individuals face. We're being driven forward by the urgent need to act. ”

- Gordon Brown

“ A slavish bondage to parents cramps every faculty of the mind. ”

- Mary Shelley

“ A free life cannot acquire many possessions, because this is not easy to do without servility to mobs or monarchs… ”

- Epicurus

“ In sex we have the source of man's true connection with the cosmos and of his servile dependence. The categories of sex, male and female, are cosmic categories, not merely anthropological categories. ”

- Nicolai A. Berdyaev

“ Of all mechanics, of all servile handycrafts-men, a gamester is the vilest. But yet, as many of the quality are of the profession, he is admitted amongst the politest company. ”

- John Gay

“ The intellectual tradition is one of servility to power, and if I didn't betray it I'd be ashamed of myself. ”

- Noam Chomsky

“ The sovereign being is burdened with a servitude that crushes him, and the condition of free men is deliberate servility. ”

- Georges Bataille

“ To be a woman and a writer is double mischief, for the world will slight her who slights "the servile house," and who would rather make odes than beds. ”

- Dilys Laing

“ I hardly know so true a mark of a little mind as the servile imitation of others. ”

- Lord Greville
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