Quotes of Secular - somelinesforyou

“ The weariest and most loathed worldly life, that age, ache, penury and imprisonment can lay on nature is a paradise, to what we fear of death. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Civilians, then, are the key to the terrorists strategy. They kill civilians, and more often than not, they hide behind them — hoping that the prospect of more innocent deaths will help them escape retribution. ”

- Benjamin Netanyahu

“ Humor distorts nothing, and only false gods are laughed off their pedestals. ”

- Agnes Repplier

“ Christianity is the most materialistic of all religions. ”

- William Temple

“ I was not quite 4 when Mamma moved all of us and all our worldly goods to Hollywood. ”

- Loretta Young

“ You've got to forget about this civilian. Whenever you drop bombs, you're going to hit civilians. ”

- Barry Goldwater

“ Be wisely worldly, but not worldly wise. ”

- Francis Quarles

“ Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ Well people used to tease me and say, 'Oh, you're a Christian Bob Dylan'. And then when Dylan became a Christian in my Bible study, they'd say to him, 'Oh you're a secular Larry Norman.'. ”

- Larry Norman

“ It was a secular cathedral, dedicated to the rites of travel. ”

- Robert Hughes

“ Half of the secular unrest and dismal, profane sadness of modern society comes from the vain ideas that every man is bound to be a critic for life. ”

- Henry Van Dyke

“ To say that authority, whether secular or religious, supplies no ground for morality is not to deny the obvious fact that it supplies a sanction. ”

- Joseph Addison

“ Washington's birthday is as close to a secular Christmas as any Christian country dare come this side of blasphemy. ”

- Alistair Cooke

“ The public school has become the established church of secular society. ”

- Ivan Illich

“ The defiance of established authority, religious and secular, social and political, as a world-wide phenomenon may well one day be accounted the outstanding event of the last decade. ”

- Hannah Arendt

“ The established churches or religious organizations in this country are generally declining, overwhelmed by secular thoughts, secular culture. But the Unification Church is different; we don't feel any decline of spirit in our movement. We are pioneers; we are like a volcano erupting. ”

- Sun Myung Moon

“ The concept of neutrality can lead to a brooding and pervasive devotion to the secular and a passive, or even active, hostility to the religious. Such results are not only not compelled by the Constitution, but, it seems to me, are prohibited by it. ”

- Arthur J. Goldberg

“ You want to have two guys making out in front of your 4-year-old? It's OK with them. A guy smoking a joint, blowing the smoke into your little kid's face? OK with them. And I'm not exaggerating here. This is exactly what the secular movement stands for. ”

- Bill O’Reilly

“ If a single one of these gentlemen is correct, if a believer of any type is right, the essential truth for man, the real drama of life, in comparison with which the secular story of the race, is a puppet-show and the unfolding of the universe is a triviality, is the dialogue of the immortal soul and the eternal God… ”

- Joseph McCabe

“ God did not design human beings in accordance with Christian principles, fascist principles, feminist principles, socialist principles, romantic principles, secular humanist priciples, vegetarian principles, deep environmentalist principles, biocentric principles, or libertarian principles… ”

- John McCarthy

“ If we are to continue to try and force the square pegs of secular democracy and Western culture into the round wholes of a conservative Muslim society, then we will continue to see escalating resistance and escalating allied violence to contain that insurgency. ”

- Amir Butler

“ To pray is to pay attention to something or someone other than oneself. Whenever a man so concentrates his attention — on a landscape, a poem, a geometrical problem, an idol, or the True God — that he completely forgets his own ego and desires, he is praying… ”

- W. H. Auden

“ Not even the visionary or mystical experience ever lasts very long. It is for art to capture that experience, to offer it to, in the case of literature, its readers; to be, for a secular, materialist culture, some sort of replacement for what the love of god offers in the world of faith. ”

- Salman Rushdie

“ As high as mind stands above nature, so high does the state stand above physical life. Man must therefore venerate the state as a secular deity. The march of God in the world, that is what the State is. ”

- Georg Hegel

“ A large part of the popularity and persuasiveness of psychology comes from its being a sublimated spiritualism: a secular, ostensibly scientific way of affirming the primacy of "spirit" over matter. ”

- Susan Sontag
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