Quotes of Secretary - somelinesforyou

“ And I made treasurers over the treasuries, Shelemiah the priest, and Zadok the scribe, and of the Levites, Pedaiah: and next to them was Hanan the son of Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah: for they were counted faithful, and their office was to distribute unto their brethren. ”

- Bible

“ If you have a good selling idea, your secretary can write your ad for you. ”

- Morris Hite

“ Always be nice to secretaries. They are the real gatekeepers in the world. ”

- Anthony J. D’Angelo

“ The Secretary of Defense is not a super General or Admiral. His task is to exercise civilian control over the Department for the Commander-in-Chief and the country. ”

- Donald Rumsfeld

“ If I wasn't an actor I'd be unemployable, or at best the secretary to a golf club somewhere. Nine holes at that, and blue in the face with port. ”

- David Niven

“ I'm not a fan of Secretary Rumsfeld. I don't think he listens enough to his uniformed officers. ”

- Trent Lott

“ Club Secretary: I say, Lawrence. You are a clown! Lawrence: We can't all be lion tamers. ”

- Thomas E. Lawrence

“ I'm afraid I was very much the traditionalist. I went down on one knee and dictated a proposal which my secretary faxed over straight away. ”

- Stephen Fry

“ There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. ”

- John Bolton

“ You can fire your secretary, divorce your spouse, abandon your children. But they remain your co-authors forever. ”

- Ellen Goodman

“ The first thing the secretary types is the boss. ”

- Unknown

“ I am not going to spend any time whatsoever in attacking the Foreign Secretary. If we complain about the tune, there is no reason to attack the monkey when the organ grinder is present. ”

- Aneurin Bevan

“ I don't know what they mean by an icon. I never thought of myself as being that. It seems strange to me. I was just modeling, thinking of as many different poses as possible. I made more money modeling than being a secretary. I had a lot of free time… ”

- Bette Page

“ Condoleezza Rice insists that all she wants be is the best secretary of state she can be, and can't imagine running for president. Perhaps. But a lot of other people have no trouble imagining it. Four years is an eternity in politics, and the secretary of state has a lot of heavy lifting ahead. ”

- Suzanne Fields

“ No president in history has been more vilified or was more vilivied during the time he was President than Lincoln. Those who knew him, his secretaries, have written that he was deeply hurt by what was said about him and drawn about him, but on the other hand, Lincoln had the great strength of character never to display it, always able to stand tall and strong and firm no matter how harsh or unfair the criticism might be… ”

- Richard Nixon

“ I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department. ”

- Joseph McCarthy

“ I mean, there's not an awful lot of limelight. Perhaps at premieres and the pictures and the people; that's all exciting. But the actual work, like today: it's just work; it's just the work I happen to do instead of going to an office and being a secretary or in a shop, you know? ”

- Hayley Mills

“ Secretary of State Colin Powell himself eloquently pointed out the many ways to get at the root of this problem-economic, diplomatic, legal and political, as well as military. A rush to launch precipitous military counterattacks runs too great a risk that more innocent men, women, children will be killed… ”

- Barbara Lee

“ General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. ”

- Ronald Reagan

“ Style has rarely been either a characteristic or a qualification for secretaries of state. Henry Kissinger had his square, dark-rimmed glasses, and Madeleine Albright her funky hats, but these were carefully contrived affectations. ”

- Suzanne Fields
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