Quotes of Seattle - somelinesforyou

“ Seattle blitzed us a few times, but what really hurt us was dropped passes. I've said it before — dropped passes and penalties will send out your punter, and that's what happened. ”

- Dennis Green

“ I had 12 great years in Pittsburgh, and that one doesn't matter. During my time with Seattle, they were great people, great teammates and I liked the town, the town was good to me. It just wasn't for me. ”

- Franco Harris

“ I wanted to move to Seattle, sell my ass, and be a punk rocker, but I was too afraid. ”

- Kurt Cobain

“ If I'd written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people — including me — would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism. ”

- Hunter S. Thompson

“ If you like crafty stuff they are going to open the market for crafty people. When Jaime Moyer of the Seattle Mariners pitches, I love watching him. In a way it is a much more interesting game than watching Randy Johnson pitch. You are not only watching a game you are watching a thought process. ”

- Michael Lewis
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