Quotes of Screening - somelinesforyou

“ I am not opposed to the limited use of polygraphs in a case where a person is suspected of wrongdoing. But widespread use of the polygraph as a screening tool goes far beyond what is acceptable. ”

- Jeff Bingaman

“ The screening process through which law firms choose new partners is perhaps as well considered as anything this side of a papal election. ”

- Neal Johnston

“ Arrogance is a veneer — a thin covering of excuses hiding deep performance deficiencies. ”

- Bob Lewis

“ Those Romans who perpetrated the rape of the Sabines, for example, did not work themselves up for the deed by screening Debbie Does Dallas, and the monkish types who burned a million or so witches in the Middle Ages had almost certainly not come across Boobs and Buns or related periodicals. ”

- Barbara Ehrenreich

“ I'm making films for an audience out there and a very tiny fraction of them are would-be filmmakers. But let's speak of them-the would-be filmmakers, the tiny fraction. I've witnessed many times when I've showed films and was present at a screening that exactly those people feel very much encouraged by what I'm doing. ”

- Werner Herzog
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