Quotes of Scrawny - somelinesforyou

“ I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay. ”

- Matthew

“ I find women with well developed flesh very attractive. The scrawny little things doing commercials on my television set are slightly repulsive — like famine victims. ”

- Dana Hatch

“ Civilization - a heap of rubble scavenged by scrawny English Lit. vultures. ”

- Malcolm Muggeridge

“ I was a skinny, scrawny guy. I stuttered horrendously, couldn't speak at all. I was a very shy, reserved player and a very shy, reserved person. I found a safe place in life in basketball. ”

- Bill Walton

“ Nobody has ever expected me to be president. In my poor, lean lank face nobody has ever seen that any cabbages were sprouting. ”

- Abraham Lincoln
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