Quotes of Sailing - somelinesforyou

“ It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage. ”

- George William Curtis

“ There is a rule in sailing where the more maneuverable ship should give way to the less maneuverable craft. I think this is sometimes a good rule to follow in human relationships as well. ”

- Joyce Brothers

“ Writing criticism is to writing fiction and poetry as hugging the shore is to sailing in the open sea. ”

- John Updike

“ Flying may not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price. ”

- Amelia Earhart

“ Sailing round the world in a dirty gondola oh, to be back in the land of Coca-Cola! ”

- Bob Dylan

“ Our desire must be like a slow and stately ship, sailing across endless oceans, never in search of safe anchorage. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, it will find mooring for a moment. ”

- Etty Hillesum

“ Not to have control over the senses is like sailing in a rudderless ship, bound to break to pieces on coming in contact with the very first rock. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ My goal in sailing isn't to be brilliant or flashy in individual races, just to be consistent over the long run. ”

- Dennis Conner

“ Come, cuddle your head on my shoulder, dear, your head like the golden-rod, and we will go sailing away from here to the beautiful land of Nod. ”

- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“ If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. ”

- Seneca

“ The unknown is what it is. And to be frightened of it is what sends everybody scurrying around chasing dreams, illusions, wars, peace, love, hate, all that… Accept that it's unknown, and it's plain sailing. ”

- John Lennon

“ There's no thrill in easy sailing when the skies are clear and blue, there's no joy in merely doing things which any one can do. But there is some satisfaction that is mighty sweet to take, when you reach a destination that you thought you'd never make. ”

- Spirella

“ But when I said that nothing had been done I erred in one important matter. We had definitely committed ourselves and were halfway out of our ruts. We had put down our passage money — booked a sailing to Bombay. This may sound too simple, but is great in consequence… ”

- William H. Murray

“ How hard to realize that every camp of men or beast has this glorious starry firmament for a roof! In such places standing alone on the mountaintop it is easy to realize that whatever special nests we make — leaves and moss like the marmots and birds, or tents or piled stone — we all dwell in a house of one room — the world with a firmament for its roof — and are sailing the celestial spaces without leaving any track. ”

- John Muir

“ For the first time in my life a feeling of overpowering stinging melancholy seized me. Before, I had never experienced aught but a not unpleasing sadness. The bond of a common humanity now drew me irresistibly to gloom. A fraternal melancholy! For both I and Bartleby were sons of Adam… ”

- Herman Melville
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