Quotes of Sacrament - somelinesforyou

“ The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture because it seeks to turn other ideas - uncertainty, progress, change - into crimes. ”

- Salman Rushdie

“ Voting is a civic sacrament. ”

- Theodore M. Hesburgh

“ The kernel is the belief that God is love and, in Catholicism, God's love is present in the world. It is in the sacraments, in the Eucharist, in our families, in our friends, in our neighborhood, and forgiveness in the touch of a friendly hand, in a rediscovered love God is there. ”

- Andrew Greeley

“ The Eucharist is not itself the sacrament of reconciliation, but in fact it presupposes that sacrament. It is the sacrament of the reconciled, to which the Lord invites all those who have become one with him; who certainly still remain weak sinners, but yet have give their hand to him and have become part of his family… ”

- Joseph Ratzinger

“ When we hear news we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation. ”

- Voltaire

“ We can't use the eucharist as a time... to judge a person's conscience by refusing them communion. ”

- John Walsh

“ Each way means loneliness — and communion. ”

- T. S. Eliot

“ In the case of news, we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation. ”

- Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire

“ In the spectrum of God's mysteries, preaching is a sacrament: Because of its sacramental reality some people have never again been the same. ”

- John E. Hines

“ Wherever we find the Word of God surely preached and heard, and the sacraments administered according to the institution of Christ, there, it is not to be doubted, is a church of God. ”

- John Calvin

“ Voting is a civic sacrament. ”

- Theodore Hesburgh

“ Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism. ”

- Samuel Butler

“ The refectory is a cenacle in which the taking of food is transfigured almost into a sacrament. ”

- Monica Baldwin

“ Work! labor the asparagus me of life; the one great sacrament of humanity from which all other things flow — security, leisure, joy, art, literature, even divinity itself. ”

- Sean O’Casey

“ Some Catholics have a concept I very much admire: the Sacrament of the Present Moment. It suggests that every moment of our lives is sacred, and that we should make of each moment a sacrament. Were we to do this we would think of the entire world as diffused with holiness… ”

- M. Scott Peck

“ The Sacrament of the Eucharist is, of course, one step away from the Incarnation itself, where the thing signified were absolutely one. Symbol and sign and metaphor strain towards this union; Sacrament presents it, but the Incarnation is that perfect union… ”

- Thomas Howard

“ I very much feel that marriage is a sacrament and that sacrament should extend… to that legal entity of a union between what traditionally in our Western values has been defined as between a man and a woman. ”

- Bill Frist

“ Our lives are fed by kind words and gracious behavior. We are nourished by expressions like excuse me and other such simple courtesies… Rudeness, the absence of the sacrament of consideration, is but another mark that our time-is-money society, is lacking in spirituality, if not also in its enjoyment of life. ”

- Ed Hays

“ Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting — a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it is a cup of blessing. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Sacraments, like the Incarnation itself, constitute physical points at which the eternal touches time, or the unseen touches the seen, or grace touches nature. It is the Gnostics and Manicheans who want a purely disembodied religion. ”

- Thomas Howard
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